Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Day after. Chiaromonte: "We believe in the parliament there and mediate." Finocchiaro, "We will deduct." Bersani does not intervene in, Veltroni: "Climate difficult."
On the surface, seems to be the usual: the majority and opposition confrontation. Yet, the day after, on the reform of justice something moved, it is true that the government decided not to show their muscles on the front and discussing not just on the line to take.
light of all this is in some statements that, while not breaking the face of opposition, however, invited to a counter on the merits of issues, as requested by Franca Chiaromonte. It even returns to Anna Finocchiaro, explaining: "We do not deduct the comparison." "We collect the challenge without fear of this government and discuss the reform of justice, yesterday asked the senator pd Chiaromonte. "We are the Democratic Party - he continued - strongly believes in the centrality of Parliament and its essential role in mediating between the parties. Some parts of the draft reform of the justice of the government clearly modeled with excerpts of the bill Roar of the previous Prodi government. Certainly there are some points made government over which I disagree (empowerment of the judicial police, the composition of the double-CSM, etc.) but I think however that we should make an effort to put a hand on it for years waiting to be reformed in terms of balancing authorities, responsibilities, time and cost. " If you are not lined up right on the same line, Anna Finocchiaro certainly seems to have taken up the challenge. "It's obvious - said the chairman of the Democratic senators - that the Democratic Party will not shirk the confrontation in Parliament on constitutional reform proposed by the government of justice. But the center avoid the lies and propaganda. " In fact, he explained again Finocchiaro, "the plant This reform has nothing to do with the rules that were contained in the text of the Bicameral, which were included, among other things, in a broader context of overall constitutional reform. " Sure, he admitted, the justice "needs reform" but "the urgency is the speeding up of time, the reorganization of offices, computerization. All things - said the parent pd - which could be dealt with ordinary laws. " "The reform of the government - was the conclusion - has a strong ideological system that does not convince us wrong. But precisely for this reason we will deduct the debate in Parliament and we will present our proposals and the rationale behind the approach of which have not nothing to do with those presented by the government. " As for the secretary, "will return in a week to talk about the prime minister," said Pier Luigi Bersani in Milan, on the sidelines of the meeting of the directors pd. Taking into account the time it takes the text of the government to complete the process required by the Constitution, the meaning of words Bersani is clear that the government is only an attempt to change the policy agenda. That said, even though he has wrought on the same keys on which he beat Finocchiaro, starting from the time of justice. But, he concluded, "true emergencies is never discussed, we are always around the prime minister's personal or political problems." "I see difficult at this time - but said Walter Veltroni - the possibility of a judicial reform in a climate such as that determined by the presence of Berlusconi, with the poisoning of daily political life. " Even harder was the IDV. "The justice reform - said Antonio Di Pietro - will never go into port, for careful constitutional rights and distorts our Charter." On the other side, of course, there are the hosannas directed at Berlusconi and his reform while the Minister of Justice Angelino Alfano decided to keep a low profile both in respect of the judiciary - attacked, of course, but without using particularly vehement tones - both against opposition. "We believe - said the microphones of Tg1 - it is the duty of a major opposition party the Democratic Party as its views known. It is imperative for the Democratic Party really say what he thinks of the reform of justice, let us know if we do not share, what is your idea. We can deal calmly in Parliament, we have plenty of time to arrive at a definitive text. " "Anyway - assured - it will come to an end, missing the end of term two years and 18 articles in two years, may be approved." Some problems, however, could come from that league - albeit with Federico Bricolo joined the chorus of various Gasparri and Capezzone - deputy leader in the Senate with Sandro Mazzatorta warned, "will present proposals to introduce injections of judicial federalism." As for the managers, "this time the going gets tough," said Francesco championships, their spokesman. Finally, the Third Pole. Pier Ferdinando Casini said yesterday: "At the table there will be, because we sit on our task, even by the opposition, is to contribute to better legislation, but with the right amount of distrust". He summed it up - combining responsibility and suspicion - the position of the composite galaxy guide with Gianfranco Fini, and Francesco Rutelli.


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