Giuseppe Garibaldi, the man who admires the Paris Commune, and that would " education compulsory, free and secular " , is the protagonist of " book urge " is how the editors define Red Book of Garibaldi .
philological claims has not in fact the little book edited by the brothers Max and Pier Paolo Di Mino, but the ones on which they are still written by hand by great general, " Hero of Two Worlds " in an age that still did not know until today paradox quell'eterogenesi purposes for which the international symbol of the commander who Guevara concludes his story in the hands of skilled business people - Just ask Hollywood and shirt factories.
A Garibaldi not doctrinaire, but far from unsophisticated boor as many liked to represent, mistreated by Karl Marx, then, is the author of a register of letters, proclamations, various documents from which to build on for finding a promoter of " a socialist ideal, non-ideological . This man who obtorto neck could not fail to express loyalty to the Savoy frustrated and angry very grudgingly, dreamed of a socialist country, write Di Mino, certainly anti-clerical, certainly not as a nationalist claims to believe the vulgate Fascist Italy that that was not only united and independent but also fair, democratic. Moreover, he writes the same to the direction of Garibaldi Century Genoa Dec. 20, 1880: " The My republicanism differs from that of Mazzini, since I am socialist .
The specific gravity of his statement has it. " Class praiseworthy " Garibaldi then defines a letter of the English workers, repeatedly says the Italian company workers, repeatedly calling for a universal brotherhood that has no solid theoretical-argumentative but some simple slogans to which Maximilian and Pier Paolo Di Mino mayor recognize a sincere and exemplary "Work, home, freedom ", under which the slaves have a duty, rather than the right to overthrow tyrants.
Mino's brothers are continuing their line mythological, more interested in the possibility that the objective data of history. As in River of Darkness , the previous novel dedicated to the experience of the Legion of D'Annunzio, priority must be positive in an exegesis of a story is not without its contradictions, so in this test are the same resolved in the meantime mark a reading that recalls what has worked for " demythologizing " Garibaldi, meanwhile, recalls how the late nobility italica and its historical ally, Santa Roman Church, both agreed enliven the imagination of his subjects with an image of the peninsula the bandit general, but that first of all he stresses the heroic aspects, one of the few signs of our epic story, the one for the two editors of the book should eat more of these examples that the conventional reading of a people cynical and sentimental, fraudulent and approximate etc ...
Now, the problem with the writer's opinion that reading is not so much in itself, since the user to accept the status quo . Far worse is the vision, so that homologous to its object, the " Italians good people "myth without reason almost always fascist tendencies. The right dose of rationalism does not prevent the exercise of will: but think that Gramsci is not worth Garibaldi.
Loved de The Red Book of Garibaldi
Deputies of the Italian Workers' Association. Caprera, March 30, 1861.
The representatives of the Italian Workers' Association were presented to me in this solitude, to give me a nod of sympathy on behalf of the class, robust and time-consuming of the people. More to the event shot my heart could expect, because I always regard sull'incallita right of the people of my state, for the redemption of this sacred land, and not on false promises of politicians duped. Health and brotherhood.
Alexander Hertzen, London. Turin, April 14, 1861.
Hertzen My dear, it's not long before word of the emancipation of the serfs in Russia was greeted in Europe with admiration and gratitude. Prince initiator of this great work that is put to the side just because of the most illustrious benefactors of mankind. Today, I say with sorrow, the work of charity was soiled by the blood shed of innocent population. E 'duty of those who applaud the benefit, the voice cast a curse upon the consummation of the most abhorrent of crimes. Your newspaper properly appreciated in this great empire, bringing a word of sympathy for the unfortunate and heroic Italian nation Poland, a word of gratitude to the mighty Russian army, as Popoff, broke their swords rather than plunge into the blood of the people, and a cry disapproval of the sister nations of Europe against the perpetrators of the horrendous carnage.
the workers of France. Caprera, 1 October 1861.
Thank you, noble sons of labor and production. Thank you for your generous words of sympathy and brotherhood. Oh, we know that your votes for Italy are sincere and selfless today as they were when you shout to your brave army, which marched to our aid against the oppressor. We know that your heart palpitate with joy at the victory of the people against the tyrant, and that if our files were not increased by the multitude of your brave compatriots, it was to the fate that weighs on most of the nations of Europe and that divides and separates them, while they tend to the natural path of progress to meet and merge into a single family. (...) Yes, I mean nations, and they want the brotherhood of all, the despots do not want it. Sacred law, irrevocable divine emanation of Christ, it is the conscience of the world: it is at the top of the aspirations of breeds suffering; el'ipocrito selfishness of the false worldly greatness suffocates under its hood lies with the lead and raise and corruption all obstacles opposed to its fulfillment. We demand jobs, bread and love to each other.
the Society of Workers, Brescia. Caprera, January 24, 1862.
friends, with heartfelt gratitude I accept the title of honorary president offered me with so much spontaneity and flattering expressions of affection. I am proud of this title that I increasingly joining in this' brave sons of the people Bresciano, who fought with admirable firmness and value for our holy cause, and are ready to do the same at the first call of their country. Accept the assurances of esteem and affection by your distinguished
the Society of Workers, Asti. Pisa, November 14, 1862.
Dear Sir, I appreciate the honor conferred upon me from these very companies coll'acclamarmi to his partner. The company workers have helped a lot to Italy, should benefit greatly in the future, the work is a virtue, and the work is freedom; Blessed be those who work! I regret that my health will not let me be in your midst for the inauguration of Vittorio Alfieri. Be proud of such a great citizen. Remember that he taught the Italians: Not to be trusted when it comes to foreign Sulli health of the nation. Be the greatest enemy of the papacy Italy. Power only the freedom to do great and prosperous people. Fortunately for me will one day be able to visit your town so noble, for old memories and modern. Abbiatico all a fond farewell.
the Workers' Association, Genoa. Caprera, September 16, 1863.
My good friends, I was not born at public meetings, but if there congregation to find what you love, is one of the workers. In the midst of these simple hearts, I feel at home. For this I leave to you, my friends, as I understand the costs not being able to run your call. But I can be with you in heart and spirit, neck, and pursuing co 'my best wishes to your Congress. If you want my advice, here it is: Let them futile questions of words, but think that man is cut in half, and that everyone, without exception, we have the same duties towards us, towards the fatherland and to humanity. We are all workers of justice, but let this be known, it does not triumph if man is not free, free land. Labor, Country, Freedom - the program here is yours, or workers, and all men who do not believe created the world to sate their greed and their ambition. Accepted, honest sons of the work, a warm greeting from your life for
All 'illustrious Russian Alexander Hertzen. Caprera, 23 December 1863.
Dear friend. I received your precious letter, it is for me a document. Yes, dear Hertzen, I believe, and I know that the Russian nation is unhappy and has high tendencies, like the other nations, and who is not guilty of the horrors of the Warsaw and Vilna. I know that in your districts stirs the spirit of freedom and the future, the exotic names of many Russian officers who, to the job of executioner (Iella Poland, chose to Siberia or death. The holy names of Popoff and Arnhold not ever be erased from my memory: history will be recorded along with the names of the martyrs of their fellow soldiers. It seems to me that Poland, Busso where the Government whips and women hanged teenagers, should arouse the sympathy of the Russian people, at least in the more noble part of that to which you belong, and provoke, not in words better than a solemn protest. Despotism has always known, for its own ends, to take advantage of the prejudices of nationalism and religion, he's earned the hatred to make a natural alliance of peoples. When the blood flows, the stronger should, if nothing else, at least a little 'pity for the weak. Tell that to the Russians, and I say to the Polish nobility - Give land to the peasants - will tell the nation of Poland: - Cease to dall'imprimere your heroic fight against a religious character that is not of our times, that away from you the sympathy of the friends of freedom, and causes bloody reactions.
The Company Operalia - Viareggio. Caprera, May 16, 1864.
Workers brothers, Nothing comes more dear to my heart that I come from you, or children of regular work. When God told the first father of the living: - thou shalt eat bread by the sweat of their brows - then he created the religion of humanity, the work. What if the ancient Roman said: - idleness to be the father of 'vices - he meant to say at the same time: - the job to be the father of all virtues -, wherefore I think that anyone who does not work is to be held that eat the bread in the Lord's blessings. Now I just have to thank I honor you have shared, aviation appointed honorary president of the Workers Cotesta you and tell you that you can count on me, as I count on you. I draw everyone's hand.
San Fiorano, May 4, 1867 .
Brothers, I accept with gratitude the honor that I do want me in your association's honorary president. He is a consoling fact, among the many disasters that surround us, to see that the spirit of association is increasingly growing in Italy and especially in the element of the worker. Italian workers to make themselves what they are today doing the English workers, who lined up and coordination is in the league. A working-class Italian League will stand and give a hand to the League English working, and large-scale workers of all Italy imitate the act of generosity and fraternal workers to the workers of Paris Berlin. We work hard to cement the working-class element of the different nations sisters in a working universal League, and the subtle arts of diplomacy and false covenants and conventions buonaparteschi, could the workers united to oppose true democracy, the alliance of workers' League, Congress workers are universal, in a word, depression put education because it is the education that will break the big problem that stirs in our century, the emancipation. It, education, the bullies of the world, in cowl or without, say, with the Righteous: Cease the market reo, cease fraud. And so in politics as in religion the people really wanted, merchandise, education, which is the result of the association will cease once and for all the torment and the other from a humanity that quiet walk towards her goal of progressive improvement, moral and material in which they were intended. Now I draw you with affection and your callous right.
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