not only the onslaught of Della Valle Geronzi to animate the scene. So the rope is preparing for the strong decline of the real power in recent years, the Cav.
Who knows Cesare Geronzi is convinced that the offensive against the president Diego Della Valle, Generali has marked a step back after the interview the owner of Tod's has granted TV Lucia Annunziata. Indeed, according to an observer very close to a number of Insurance Institute of Trieste, Della Valle "had not one, but two steps back: first attacked and Geronzi Bazoli calling Arzilli close to retirement and old people who use highly privatized shares in RCS. But then, Della Valle save Bazoli, sinks Geronzi, but says that the property of the Courier is immutable for another two years. In short, he did not know before the syndicate of RCS is armored until 2014? ". Yeah, he did not know? In fact, the words of Valley can be interpreted by his enemies as a strategic retreat. But the running game in the parlor of Italian capitalism is much larger RCS. And Della Valle, together with the consortium to which it belongs, has not given up fighting it. Are weeks discussing the end of Italian capitalism, or rather that the system designed by Enrico Cuccia, where the actions (understood as company shares) and weighed not counted. Today, however, actions count and weigh less. What is much less clear - and has not yet been explicitly told - is that this change was accelerated by the decline of the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. The rating of the prime minister and the PDL, as confirmed by surveys every week, is at historic lows. The economic and financial establishment, the core of our capitalism, is preparing for what may be called the era of post-Cav. In practice, it is redesigning a map of "great powers". But it is really preparing a post-Berlusconi? What is certain is that a piece of economic-financial elite has understood that today the system is no longer rotating around the axis-Berlusconi-Geronzi read: "At this board - says a source - now he's added another, Tremonti-League and the main protagonists of Italian capitalism have understood. " So it is no coincidence that the president of Confindustria Emma Marcegaglia, the guarantor Catricalà Antitrust Antonio, Diego Della Valle and now, have used harsh tones against Berlusconi that system-read-Geronzi, now in decline. Let's see. Marcegaglia was the first to report publicly the inaction of the executive headed by Berlusconi. It was the spring of 2010 when, at a conference of industrialists in Parma and in the eyes watching the premier, the president of Confindustria, said: "We must immediately cut taxes and lower them for those who must take up the country, enough promises from the government general Confindustria expects firm commitments and deadlines on taxes, cut waste and invest in infrastructure, research and innovation, it is time to change to be able to grow back together. " Since then, Marcegaglia has attacked the government sometimes inert, but nothing happened. Then there was the case of refusal to Catricalà. It's the end of 2010, the government does know the president has appointed to the presidency of the Antitrust Antonio Catricalà for electricity and gas in place of Alessandro Ortis. But Catricalà decides to stay until the end of the Antitrust mandate. A slap to the undersecretary Gianni Letta (Catricalà is considered a man very close to the secretary of the Council of Ministers) and Silvio Berlusconi, who had to insert a provision in ad hoc decree Milleproroghe to extend for six months the mandate of Ortis AEEG . Before coming to the clash of Valle-Geronzi, you report the blow that Consob Giuseppe Vegas (Tremonti iron) has inflicted on the group Salvatore Ligresti, contractor-insurer that has friendly relations with Geronzi and Minister of Defense Ignazio La Russa. As it happens, for once, Consob has done its duty: to the French group Groupama has imposed the mandatory offer if the increase in share capital of companies and Premafin Fonsai Ligresti family. The titles of the two companies were suspended on the Stock Exchange on Thursday - the negotiations are resumed only yesterday - there are those who have read this decision as a serious sustained attack from the axis Tremonti-League against the empire-Berlusca Gerontius: Ligresti if not unable to recapitalize his company in danger of bankruptcy and now can no longer count or the financial support of Unicredit (as when the rudder control of the bank's Square Cordusio sat the "cardinal" Geronzi, as they call it in financial circles Romans), or on a feel-good and filoberlusconiana Consob. Here we are in Della Valle. Mr. Tod's was the first who dared to publicly challenge the Italian capitalist system - one that revolves around the Berlusconi-bed system - embodied in the banker Marino. Having already given Geronzi of 'sprightly old man, "Della Valle also advised him to retire. It shares controlled by the Rcs Treiste Leone said that "it is good that the General should freeze share this small and at a time should sell it (to whom? him?). And the insurance company in a statement reiterated that the investments are managed by the Managing Director General Giovanni Perissinotto, as well as the shares governed by shareholders' agreements: 3.7 percent of RCS, the 2 of Mediobanca, 4, 41 of the Pirelli Telecom by 30 percent of Telco and 3.6 of Gemina. In short, the odds and manages Perissinotto Geronzi, but the pact is blocked until Rcs 2014: Valley of the attack has not produced any results pragmatic, he only wounded the Lion Gerontius. Finally, according to some observers, is no accident that today's judiciary is fierce at the same time against Berlusconi Geronzi, and Luigi Bisignani: man near Gianni Letta and, according to prosecutors, who inspired many public appointments. Berlusconi in the next 50 days will face four processes. In the process on the crash Cirio Pm Geronzi asked for a sentence of eight years: the decision will come in late April, which coincides with the date of the General Assembly when members renew their trust in governance. The Berlusconi-axis read-Geronzi resist?
Gianmaria Pica
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