Luciana is a beautiful girl Pretty Land School of Arts: discover all the beautiful Divine de Patty!
Bella? No, much more ... Divine! Luciana is a really nice girl from Patty. His arrival to Pretty Land School of Arts is slightly later than the beginning of the series. long, dark hair, full lips and the eyes lively Luciana make an icon of beauty. It is no coincidence that this character is to interpret Nicole Luis, who in life has carried out numerous work as a model.
beginning of the series is engaged to the beautiful Guido , but in a short time, their relationship ends because their Giusy Guido falls madly in love. Since then Giusy will rival Luciana par excellence. 's arrival coincides Luciana to Pretty Land, almost immediately, with its accession to the coolest group of the school: The Divine. Membership of the group Antony and the attentions of the leaders to Luciana, initially created a great envy of Pia and Catherine, the "Divine" older. Within the group will break the moment, the balance will be restored only when Antonio will once again be elected as the undisputed leader of the team. L uciana is as beautiful as perfidious: In many episodes we observe his gestures and actions that are almost never correct. Also shows a bit in love 'with boldness and tenacity.
When his heart is kidnapped by happiness prof. Boatmen, Luciana do anything to hinder his relationship with Emily, the dance teacher. His fault the two professors also risk expulsion from school! The arrival of Gonzalo in the series corresponds to Luciana with the arrival of a new love: the beautiful actress it immediately loses his head for him. If Gonzalo initially gave to the charm of Luciana in a short time it has gone away: on the one hand because he discovers in her a liar and evil person and, secondly, because it begins to feel strong feelings for ... Giusy! Again Luciana feels in competition with Giusy that, unlike him, does nothing to draw attention to herself. This means that yet another wounded pride Luciana projects a great catch behind the beautiful People: send a mail from his personal email box offending all the guys in the series. Giuseppe At first, the poor will pay the consequences ... but the lies have short legs! For this in a short time we discover the true author of the letter rightly pays the consequences. But once again Luciana, with the complicity of the mother, wicked as she elaborates a catch: pretends to be fled from home for the humiliation. In this way students are concerned for her to forgive her point: only Giuseppe and Gonzalo are reluctant to forgive.
Beautiful, bold, charming and tough, the beautiful Luciana really all it takes to be a Divine!